The Question Millionaires Ask Themselves
(and their friends)....
What can I invest in that:
- has a strong potential for growth in value,
- is fun and exciting to tell people about,
- will make me money, and
- has impact and solves a problem I care about?
The Answer?
Invest in private companies
that are solving a problem that you are passionate about,
while the price of their stock is low.
The Value of Your Investment grows
as the founders use your money,
along with many other investors,
to bring products to market, to grow their revenue.
The Founders will work harder than anyone to succeed.
What that means to you,
is that you gain all the benefits of being a successful entrepreneur,
without all the financial risk, countless hours, and headaches.
So that YOU can own a piece of multiple businesses
and build a portfolio with greater potential for returns than traditional investment strategies.
Discover the Compassionate Capitalist Investing System
How to Invest YOUR Money with Passion & Purpose
** FOR Profit **
" The 3 Ps "
PLUS generate returns that are on average 3 TIMES that of traditional investments
Investing in startup and growth stage companies
is the most effective onramp to the superhighway of wealth creation
Invest in Startups and Growth Stage Small Businesses...
Be the Master of Your Financial Destiny.... Jump the Wealth Gap
Shape the Future You Want to your Community and the World
Make a Lasting Impact & Create Generational Wealth
Share in that business's success without all the risks of being the entrepreneur...
the way Millionaires have for Decades.
(Even if you aren't a millionaire...yet!)
Do you share these common feelings?
"I have money to invest, but...
➥ It isn't enough to buy even one real estate investment property in today's market.
➥ I know someone who is underwater with their rental property because of the
rising cost of repairs, insurance and taxes.
➥ The stock market is like a roller coaster, and is so slow to rebound and grow.
I may never be whole again. I can't seem to pick winners.
➥ Crypto is hot, everyone is talking about it, but it is so complicated and volatile.
It feels like gambling
👇What is in this easy to follow, step-by-step digital course? 👇

Investor Document Resource Portal
- Dozens of documents: templates, sample contracts, due diligence check lists and tools to equip you as you move closer to making an investment.
- Comprehensive venture capital glossary and so much more.
- Worksheets to create your investor thesis and avoid the #1 killer of good investor discipline.
- The tools you need along your angel investor journey.
BONUS: Includes a digital copy of Inside Secrets to Angel Investing

Angel Profitability Blueprint™
- Proprietary approach to building a portfolio of 10 investments based on your risk profile and industry knowledge.
- Designed with the specific intent to generate short term returns, reoccurring revenue streams, and long term multiples on initial investment.
- The
Angel Profitability Blueprint™ is unique to the Compassionate Capitalist Wealth Mastery System™ and is based on Karen's experience helping angel investors make their investment decisions.

The Secrets and
The Reasons
- Get the videos explaining the full story behind the 44 Inside Secrets shared in Karen's Book, Inside Secrets to Angel Investing.
- Discover how Angel/Crowdfund Investing satisfies the Hierarchical Human Needs.
- Learn more about WHY our government kept angel investing a secret and what made them change the laws legalizing crowdfunding investing for all
- 25 Lessons Ready for YOU Now, on Demand. Can be viewed as many times you want.
- More content added weekly
Still Wondering ...
You have 3 Choices:
1. Click the Button Below. Get Started.
2. Read On and Watch the Next Video.
3. Do Nothing. Stay in the Dark.
➥ Let's Do This!
If Angel Investing is So Good...
Why don't I hear more people talking about it?
Why does my financial planner say it is so risky?
Why do I get invites in the mail for real estate investor training, but nothing about angel and crowdfunding investing?
AND, Karen....
What about that $1000 investment turning in to $138M
Great questions.
The answers you seek are in this video >>>>
Hear what New Investor Kim S. has to say about her experience with The Compassionate Capitalist Wealth Maximizing System.
Kim's update:
She made 3 investments based on the Angel Profitability Blueprint.
She is collecting quarterly income from one investment and anticipating what her return on investment will be on one investment that has already exited through acquisition.
Subscribe Today
Get the Intro to Angel & Crowdfunding Investing digital course, so that I can show YOU How to Create Profitable, Satisfying Investments in Entrepreneurs for Tangible and Promising Returns.
Payment options include quarterly and annual subscriptions.
Take Action Today!
Join the Compassionate Capitalist Wealth Maximizing System....
Your Introduction to Investing in Entrepreneurs' Small Business.
How to Angel Invest.
How to Crowdfund Invest.
Get Started Today.
This Training is Available When You Are.
24 Hours a day.
7 days a week.
On Demand.
Please review the Disclaimer at the bottom of this page and Terms on the Check Out Page
Our Guarantee
With the Compassionate Capitalist Wealth Maximizing System you WILL
- Learn the language of angel investing
- Know what deal structure is right for your risk profile
- Discover where to find the deals that solve a problem you care about
- Learn how to evaluate the opportunities to identify the 'red flags' that could mean trouble down the road
- Gain the skills you need to begin to build a portfolio with potential to produce 3x the returns of your current investments.*
The Last Video.... The One with the Gee Wiz and Is that for Real kind of stuff....